Every sunset is an opportunity to reset...

Saturday 2 August 2014

Awesome 5 days 4 nights Trip


In KLIA 2 food court 
Flight fast fast come
hmmm .. fat ><
My hat suit me? =D
Wait for cable car
Nine of Us
BFF !! Ting Kang King
I love here 
Telaga Tujuh
Waterfall but less water ==
Thanks my photographer - King
beauty? heehee
Sweetie Junior Chui Ying
Peace ^^
Second Day
Another water fall
I found my Super Power in Pantai Kok ! 
1,2,3.. JUMP!
yeee? y so weird?
Oh my god
I look like 黄梨道士 ><
Jump again
Rock !
I catch U !
Now I at Black Sand Beach =D
Whoo !! Mr. Tan !!
half year lo~~ haha
See .. i still remember you when I travel .. =P
Turn back to Pantai Kok
Waiting for sunset
Finally Cai Hui had jump up xD
Sunset arhhhhh ..... 
Yeah !
Third Day
Underwater World
Hmmm ... nothing special .. just fun with my buddies
Today is shopping day
Love this dark chocolate very much
Taste Good !
U must have a try =D
All wine chocolate
Souvenir for our Bimbingan coursemate
Hope u all like it
Although I don't like
Vodka Party
First Try
Taste not bad
but i like Apple Cider more xD
Am I drunk?
face turn so red ~~~
Hey ! wake up !
Banana Boat is waiting for us ~~~~!
She Drunk ==
Luckily I run
Ting Kang King is a dangerous people
Last day
photo less
because we spend all time in Pantai Cenang
the beauties beach in Langkawi
We wait for sunrise
We play Kayak
We Swimming
Swimming again
and say hello to everybody
I wan play motorboat la TT
Who wan fetch me next time ??  
Finally Our holidays end
We no back home when Raya
we made a memorable moment in Langkawi Island

Carlyn . Cai Hui . King . Annie . Ting . Chui Ying . Se Ling . Yee Chung . Yu Le

Smile like sun
Play like wind

We are Awesome !!

Our next destination 
Kuala Terengganu !!